Assessment Inventory

MTSS Table

West Greene School District teachers utilize assessment data to monitor student achievement and growth, as well as instructional design and presentation. We interpret this data to make sound educational decisions that are in the individualized best interest of our students.

Think of it in medical terms. A doctor will need to conduct a series of assessments in order to make the proper diagnosis. Once the diagnosis has been made, a treatment plan can be established to get the patient back on a healthy track.

The same can be said about teachers. They analyze the data from the assessments administered to synthesize a plan of action to help ensure that the student is receiving the correct instruction that addresses the identified areas of concern until the learning gap has been closed.

The West Greene Assessment Inventory contains the summative and district-level assessments that we conduct to make instructional and programmatic decisions.

In addition, The Types of Assessments Presentation will explain formal, formative, and summative assessments, with examples of each.