Spread holiday cheer with Toys for Tots! Donate new, unwrapped toys to bring joy to children in need. Your generosity helps make the season brighter for families in our community. Together, we can share the magic of giving!
The kindergarten students recently got a chance to visit the story stroll with Mrs. Fedak's students in the Child Development class. There are only about 10 more days to check out The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Steven Kroll outside our school!
November 2024 - Regularly Scheduled WG School Board Committee Meeting
Date: November 14, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: WG Board Conference Room
Zoom: https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/93225711882pwd=WkNaU3dqRWZLODdNdkhLbmdZZXhmQT09
During their library classes with Mrs. Bohon, the first grade students got a chance to visit the story stroll with the high school students taking the Child Development course!
There are about 2 more weeks to read The Biggest Pumpkin Ever in the story stroll. The new book will be placed in the story stroll around November 27.
The Video Club students produced a livestream of the Veterans Day Program held on Thursday, November 7. You can watch the recording online anytime at https://www.youtube.com/live/E4kpDF2rieM?si=U8pR2fn6u5EPY1I- or by visiting the West Greene Video Club YouTube channel.
Mr. Rychtarsky would like to thank the student crew who worked alongside him on the livestream production. Your hard work made the broadcast possible!
A big thank you also goes out to Mr. Bruno, Mrs. Falce, Mr. Whyte, Mrs. Garlick, and the elementary students involved, who made the Veterans Day program a reality. It was their show that we were honored to livestream.
Finally, a heartfelt thank you to all veterans and active-duty service members. Your dedication and sacrifices inspire us, and we are grateful for your service to our country.
Wednesday, November 13th at 5:30pm is our Rifle Team's annual beginning of the year parents/guardians meeting in Mrs. Wilcox's room, Rm 411. If your student has signed up for rifle and you are not able to attend, please email Mrs. Wilcox (wilcoxj@wgsd.org).
Sophomores preparing to take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test, listen closely as the guest speaker explains military and educational benefits they can learn from their test score.
Third grade students in Miss Danley’s class earned the opportunity to bring in some of their favorite things from home for a show and tell day.
As a friendly reminder, the West Greene Elementary Center's annual Veterans Day program will be held this Thursday. We hope to see you there as we honor our community's veterans.
The second grade students got a chance to read The Biggest Pumpkin Ever at the story stroll with members of Mrs. Fedak's Child Development class.
Students from the Student Government Association have placed the flags and honors for the Veteran's Field of Flags. Thank you to those who participated in honoring our local heroes.
Happy Halloween!!!🎃💀👻
Our chemistry students took advantage of the holiday and made their own "Witch's Brew" also known as elephant toothpaste!!
Students in the Portals class visited the Crouse School House today. With guidance from Aaron Wible of Case Technologies, they captured interior and exterior scans of the building, which will serve as the foundation for their digital historical preservation project this year.
Students in 3rd and 4th grade were treated to a performance by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra at Waynesburg Central High School this past Wednesday. "Meet the Orchestra" is an educational outreach program that teaches students about the different instruments in the ensemble and exposes them to some of the standard repertoire. They even played some Harry Potter! Many thanks to Eric Brewer, Music Program Director at Waynesburg University for coordinating the event.
Portals students toured CMU’s Entertainment Technology Center, exploring Pixar animation, video game design, and immersive amusement park ride technology. Special thanks to Joe Barantovich and the Portals Project for making this experience possible.
Happy Mole Day!
Every year on October 23rd, chemists everywhere celebrate Avogadro's constant or an absurdly large number of atoms that we represent by referring to it as one mole....at WG our students showed off their creative side by making t-shirts, stuffed animal moles, posters, and unique foods. Then in class they tackled Escape Rooms with a chemistry twist!!
Make-Up Picture Day at the JSHS (for grades 7-12) will held the morning of Monday, October 28. Picture Packages from the first picture day, including student IDs, will be distributed in Homeroom on Friday, October 25. You can place an order for the make-up photos by visiting inter-state.com/order and using the code: 89960ZD
October 2024 Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
October 24, 2024
6 PM (Pre Board Meeting)
Approx. 7 PM (Regular Meeting)
Location: WG Board Conference Room
Zoom: https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/91437916781?pwd=L0pZb3BsNlRDaUtQNVF2c1hrSjFEZz09
Attention WG Class of 2024 Graduates:
If you pre-purchased a copy of the 2024 Pioneer Yearbook, those have arrived! If you have not already done so, you can pick your book up by stopping in at the JSHS office. You may do so any regular school day AFTER 12 PM and BEFORE 2:45 PM.
Alternatively, if there is another student currently attending WG who you would like to pick the book up for you, send me an email to Mr. Rychtarsky stating you give permission for that to occur. Please include the first and last name and grade level of the student who will pick the book up in place of you for that to be permitted.
Please note there are NO extra copies available. Only those who pre-purchased and paid already online this past spring have copies waiting for them.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to: rychtarskym@wgsd.org
Class of 2025! As described in the e-mails sent to you and your parents/guardians (with addresses on file in our Focus system) in May, August, September, & October, to keep you informed, the deadline for Senior Portrait and Toddler/Baby Photos for use in the yearbook is October 31. If you have any questions, please contact rychtarskym@wgsd.org. You can access the letter sent with those e-mails that explains further details here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YUFbAO945BmWiHAEJqVY_MSFOHt1aPCe/view?usp=sharing