Parents, please be vigilant in turning in excuses for student absences. Students with 3 or more unexcused absences are in violation of school attendance requirements. Parents will be required to attend a School Attendance Improvement Plan meeting if this occurs. Thank you for turning in your excuses!
Elementary Parent Training Opportunity: I am inviting parents of elementary students to attend a parent training on April 3rd, 2019 at Lakeside Party Center in Uniontown. The training will run from 9:00 AM-1:30 PM and is no cost to parents of students at WGEC. Lunch will be provided and space is limited. If you would like to attend or need additional information, please phone me at 724-499-5183 or e-mail me at
It's National Mentoring Month celebrate your mentors with us at West Greene
THANK YOU WGEPO! A big thank you goes out to the WGEPO and parent volunteers for making last week's Santa Workshop and the Book Fair a huge success for the WGEC students.
EARLY DISMISSAL-There will be a 2 and a half hour early dismissal on Thursday, December 20th. Dismissal and parent pick-up will begin at 12:35. Buses will depart campus at approximately 12:50. Happy Holidays!
FFA Fruit Sale
West Greene will be operating on a two hour delay Wednesday November 28, 2018
West Greene will be operating on a Two Hour Delay Tuesday November 27, 2018.
WGEC "Braggin' Board"-I have started a bulletin board for all elementary students to post pictures of their successful hunts. If your child successfully and legally harvests any game this year, please send in a picture of them with their harvest and I will get it posted to our "Braggin' Board". Pictures should be no larger than 5x7. Happy hunting!
Early Dismissal: There will be a two and a half hour early dismissal on Wednesday, Nov. 21st. Elementary parent pick-up and dismissal will begin at 12:35. All buses should depart campus NLT 12:50.
The winner of the Whole Hog raffled by the West Greene Drama Club was Donna Diest.
A big thank you to all who purchased tickets from the Pioneer Players!!!
NO SCHOOL - School is not in session tomorrow, Friday, November 9th or Monday, November 12th.
West Greene Staff has a great participation in the costume contest today, thank you to everyone who participated !!!
ATTENTION PIONEER NATION: Your WG Pioneers have earned the #3 seed and will be playing the Rochester Rams this Friday night at Waynesburg High School. Kick-off is 7:30 PM. Pre-sale tickets are available in the HS office; $7 for adults and $5 for students. No passes will be honored at the gate as this is a WPIAL sponsored event. LET'S GO PIONEERS!!!!!
West Greene FFA Livestock Judging Team placed in the Bronze Level at National Convention! Savannah and Courtney were recognized as silver placing individuals! Makenzie and Avery were Bronze Individuals! Congrats on a job well done ladies!
Congratulations West Greene Girls XC on 3rd place finish at WPIAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Heading to PIAA XC Championship!
The first nine weeks grading period ends tomorrow, Friday, October 26th. Report cards will be distributed next Thursday, November 1st. Don't forget to schedule a conference for November 9th.
WGEC Parent-Teacher Conference Day: Conference day is Friday, Nov. 9th from 12:00-6:00. Please call 724-499-5183 X2310 if you would like to schedule a time to conference with your child's teacher(s). Slots are filling up quickly.
The West Greene FFA livestock judging team is sending a thank you from nationals !!!!
Joint weld competition