We are expanding our E-Sports program daily. More and more students are getting set up so they are ready to participate and come down to the Arena. Today we worked with Mrs. Fee's classes. Great job!
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
esports es
The Veteran's Day Program will be live-streamed tomorrow morning for those who wish to watch the Program. Here is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3e3-6dMtYE
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
West Greene E-Sports Schedule Tuesday - HS Rocket League 3:15 pm. Thursday - MS Rocket League D1 2:15 pm. MS Rocket League D2 2:45 pm. Thursday - HS Overwatch 2 D2 3:15 pm. HS Overwatch 2 D2 4:00 pm. https://www.twitch.tv/theesportcompany https://www.twitch.tv/techighschoolgroup https://www.twitch.tv/techighschoolgroup2
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
esports 11/6
National FFA Convention 2023 had us walking away with knowledge gained and countless memories!
about 1 year ago, Karlie Wright
West Greene Rocket League D1 Match - 3:15 match 4:45 Pick-up at the Flag pole - Easton Ostrich - Aiden Patison - Mark Wassil https://www.twitch.tv/techighschoolgroup Rocket League D2 Match - 4:00 match - 4:45 Pick-up at the flag pole - Trenton Stephens - Aiden Pattison - Kyan Berardi-Stocket https://www.twitch.tv/techighschoolgroup2
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
The Dual Enrollment Anatomy & Physiology students had the opportunity to practice taking Blood Pressure and Pulse while learning about the Cardiovascular system. With the help of the nursing students from WVU all of our students in class were able to learn a valuable skill. As a class, we would like to thank Dani and Riley for helping us in class today. Also, a huge shout out to our school nurse, Tracy, for letting the wonderful nursing students come assist us today.
about 1 year ago, Stephen Shamay
Billy and Ali
Whole Class
Devin and Brooke with Nursing Students
Kasie and Celia
Nursing students helping our students
West Greene E-Sports Overwatch 2 D2 Match 4:00 pm. Watch the broadcast at: https://www.twitch.tv/techighschoolgroup Players: Brad Szczyrbak - Meatygibbs22#1901 Carter Shiflett - Bubbles#14810 Cody Haris - WG4 Conner Benson - Mrboiiiii8816#1877 Dane Carpenter - Amhillery889#1231
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
We are couple weeks into our citrus fruit sale and still have a couple weeks left! Reach out to one of our members or order directly from our website below!! Thank you for you’re never-ending support of our program! www.freshfruitorder.com/wgffa
about 1 year ago, Karlie Wright
2023 WG FFA Fruit Sale
A group of Mrs. Hildreth's Project Lead the Way students attended the first ever middle school Manufacturing Day sponsored by Bots IQ. Students from Washington, Greene, and Fayette counties joined together to learn about manufacturing careers. Our students had the opportunity to cast objects with molten tin, create catapults with 3D pens, and build a carrier to transport objects along a zip line.
about 1 year ago, Kayla Hildreth
Group Photo
Reagan and Autumn preparing their cast
Marissa preparing her cast
Khyler and Jillissa designing their carrier
Katie and Serenity testing their carrier
Riley preparing her cas
Khyler and Serenity preparing their cast
Marissa creating her catapult
Autumn testing her catapult
Jillissa and Katie preparing their cast
ATTENTION: A Virtual Financial Aid Night will be held on Monday, November 13 at 6 PM.  Below is the link for the event.  Even if parents have been through the process before with older students, there are many changes to the FAFSA this year, so it’ll be worth them attending just to get updated on new information.   https://events.gcc.teams.microsoft.com/event/807f333c-8701-4958-9113- b9f53ed0dda6@4fbf871e-ff12-4b1a-b977-5dbc3a75478f
about 1 year ago, Eric M. Gaydos
West Greene Rocket League D1 Match - 3:15 WG Pioneers 1 - Ryan Harris WG Pioneers 2 - Kyle Cunningham WG Pioneers 3 - Brent Harris https://www.twitch.tv/techighschoolgroup Rocket League D2 Match - 4:00 young mexi - Ben Pregaman lol lol - Jacob Rizor WG NSW1 - Mark Wassil https://www.twitch.tv/theesportcompany
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
October 2023 School Board Meeting 6:00 PM Pre Board - Executive Session/Interviews Immediately Following - Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting Where: WG Admin School Board Conference Room Zoom Link: https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/91437916781?pwd=L0pZb3BsNlRDaUtQNVF2c1hrSjFEZz09
about 1 year ago, Eric M. Gaydos
West Greene E-Sports Overwatch 2 D2 Match 4:45 pm. Watch the broadcast at: https://www.twitch.tv/techighschoolgroup Players: Brad Szczyrbak - Meatygibbs22#1901 Carter Shiflett - Bubbles#14810 Cody Haris - WG4 Conner Benson - Mrboiiiii8816#1877 Dane Carpenter - Amhillery889#1231
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
PHEAA Financial Aid Night is this evening starting at 6:00 pm. Join the College and Career Readiness Team and Jonathan Warner from PHEAA. If you cannot attend we will have information available in the Main Office.
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
Mrs. Haines' kindergarten reading groups beat the cold weather by taking a trip to the "beach"! They practiced writing letters in sand trays, donning sunglasses as well. They loved practicing the letters and sounds they've been working hard to learn! 😎☀️🏖️
about 1 year ago, Sophie Haines
What is your favorite season? The students in Mr. Polander’s 6th Grade ELA were asked this question and then wrote reasons for their selection. They followed the steps in the “Writing Process” and wrote their final copy on a specific color assigned to the season. Winter (blue) was the favorite season among 6th graders. Common reasons were sledding, building snowmen, celebrating holidays, and hunting. The second choice was Fall (orange), then Summer (yellow), and Spring was in fourth place. Most students agreed that they enjoyed having the variety of all four seasons!
about 1 year ago, Jeff Polander
6th grade students representing each season
Come on out and scare up some support for a good cause! The Corner Cupboard Food Bank is a program that is utilized by families throughout the West Greene School District.
about 1 year ago, Eric M. Gaydos
WPIAL Volleyball Playoff Final Set 3: WG 25 BT 8 West Greene wins in straight sets 3-0. Next match will be Thursday. Site and time TBD.
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
WG volleyball
WPIAL Volleyball Playoff Update: Set 2: WG 25 BT 16
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
WPIAL Volleyball Update Set 1: WG 25 BT 18
about 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
WG volleyball