West Greene Elementary Center will hold its annual instrument rental night next Wednesday, September 20, 5:30-7:00 in the elementary music room. Any 5th or 6th grade student interested in participating in the elementary band program should plan on attending. Students will have the opportunity to try out each of the instruments to determine which one is the best fit. If you are unable to attend for any reason but are still interested, please contact Mr. Bruno for more information. We hope to see you there!
Students in Mr. Rychtarsky's ELA 12 & 7 classes conducted a WebQuest today on 9/11/01 - Patriot's Day. Students learned about the tragedy of the terrorist attacks on America that took place on this day, 22 years ago. 9/11/01 - #NeverForget
Fall Sports Picture day for the JSHS will be Tuesday, September 12. Order Forms were distributed via coaches for each team. Order online if you prefer at mylifetouch.com and using the correct Picture Day ID for your team.
School Picture Day (for grades 7-12) will be Tuesday, September 12 at the Junior-Senior High School. Order Forms went home with all students in homerooms today. Order online at mylifetouch.com using the provided picture day ID.
We had an awesome morning at Kindergarten Club Day 2!
Today, we made fossils, read a story with Mrs. Hart, played matching games, practiced spelling our names, and did the Dinosaur Stomp.
We're excited for our last day of Kindergarten Club tomorrow, filled with more fun activities including a practice bus ride!
The WG Cross Country team competed in its first race of the season this past weekend. The Marty Uher Invitational was held at California University with runners from 27 local school districts. The Pioneers came out fast and ran hard against over 300 runners. They will open section competition next Tuesday, September 12, at Washington Park.
The Varsity & Junior High Cross Country Teams traveled to California University this past Saturday to compete in the Marty Uher XC invitational!
Topic: West Greene August Regularly Scheduled School Board Meeting
Date: 8/24/2023
Time: 6 PM
Location: WGSD Administration Conference Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 3791 6781
Passcode: i5K62z
Check out our online "Nurse's Office" under the School Health and Safety Information tab on the district website to review any pertinent information regarding mandatory PA School Vaccination requirements and screenings. Contact Tracy Cole, School Nurse, for more information.
This afternoon, we will be conducting school safety and security training scenarios with our faculty and staff. If you are passing by the school district along Hargus Creek Road, there may be temporary stops by emergency management personnel, including Rogersville FD, Greene Co. Emergency Management, Greene Co. Sheriff's Office, and PA State Police. We will be covering multiple types of school safety scenarios as a part of our mandated Act 55 training.
We appreciate your patience and understanding, as well as the support from our local law enforcement and first responder agencies.
WVU has a few remaining spots available in the fall 2023 semester for both ECON 201 (Principles of Microeconomics) and FIS 201 (Intro-Forensic Identification). These are dual enrollment courses open to high school students in which all tuition fees will be covered by the Clark Opportunity Foundation. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Gaydos (gaydose@wgsd.org) ASAP!
Students and Parents that wish to get a copy of their schedule can pick them up in the Main Office. Due to construction on the Main Stairs, all visitors are asked to use the Rear Auditorium Entrance (Door 23). Please ring the buzzer to be let in. Thank you.
Dear Students and Parents,
The student schedules have been completed and will be made available through the Focus Parent/Student Portal.
Should you have difficulties logging in to the site Click on the Forgot Password Link and follow the instructions.
The process of scheduling should be taken very seriously by both students and parents/guardians. School counselors are always available and should be consulted regarding all scheduling issues. Scheduling begins in the spring for the upcoming school year. Students must schedule for the entire school year. Students are permitted to attend only those classes for which they are scheduled. Students will be given a scheduling form and a Course Selection Handbook to review with their parents/guardians.
It is highly recommended that parents/guardians and students work together in building a schedule. The scheduling form must be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the Main Office. If no form is returned, the student will be scheduled last into whatever courses are still available. Schedule changes are highly discouraged, and will only be approved in extreme cases. All scheduling changes must be approved by the principal. Students will not be permitted to enter a new class without proof that the schedule change has been approved by the Office of Student Services and Administration.
Students will also have the schedules available in the High School Office beginning Monday, August 14, 2023.
Mr. Sakai
Junior-Senior High School Principal
West Greene School District
August 2023 WGSD Committee Meeting
Date: August 10, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM (Executive Session) / Regular Meeting to Follow
Location: WG Administration Board Room
Link: https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/93225711882?pwd=WkNaU3dqRWZLODdNdkhLbmdZZXhmQT09
Tonight's regularly scheduled July 2023 School Board Meeting will be held in the WG Elementary Center Library. Pre-board activities/interview start at 6 PM, with the meeting beginning at 7 PM.
KINDERGARTEN CAMP August 1-3. WGEC is hosting kindergarten camp for incoming kindergarteners and their parents from 9:00-11:30 AM on Tuesday, August 1st through Thursdaysday, August 3rd. The camp is being run by our current kindergarten teaching staff and will provide an opportunity for students and parents to become familiar with the school prior to the first day of classes on Monday, August 28th. We invite you and your child to attend as many days as possible. Formal invitations are in the mail. Please call the school office at 724-499-5183 ext. 2310 if you have any questions.
Topic: July 2023 School Board Committee Meeting Date: Thursday, July 13, 2023 Time: Executive Session Begins at 6:00 PM (Interviews) The public Session will begin at approximately 8 PM. Location: West Greene Administration Board Room Join Zoom Meeting https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/93225711882?pwd=WkNaU3dqRWZLODdNdkhLbmdZZXhmQT09 Meeting ID: 932 2571 1882 Passcode: 5RGK0h
CampIWannaLearn wrapped up week two with a Bee Keeper coming and talking to students about how we can "bee" safe around these complex creatures! To reduce tent-sion next week, we are learning all about puns! Remember to alpaca your tent!
June 2023 Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
Date: 6/22/2023
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: WG Administrative Board Conference Room
Zoom: https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/91437916781?pwd=L0pZb3BsNlRDaUtQNVF2c1hrSjFEZz09
Day 2 of CampIWannaLearn is making us want to go camping "forest" of our lives...and there "s'more!"
Today campers explored outside and found objects that could then be used to learn about measurements and weights in the classroom.
Campers have also been learning about money and budgeting by paying for their own lunches with "fake funds." It was one of their favorite parts of the day!