Attention HS Athletes: If you haven't received your sports physical, you can do so today between 9 AM - 2 PM. Physical packets are available in the high school office and the actual physical will be conducted in the HS Nurse's Office.
Topic: June 2023 School Board Committee Meeting Date: Thursday, June 8, 2023 Time: Executive Session Begins at 6:00 PM (Interviews/Security Report) The public Session will begin at approximately 8 PM. Location: West Greene Administration Board Room Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 932 2571 1882 Passcode: 5RGK0h
ATTENTION: Class of 2026 Meeting - June 6, at 6PM in the HS Cafeteria.
The Video Club will be Livestreaming the commencement ceremony for the Class of 2023. If you can't make it in person, help the class celebrate this achievement by watching our broadcast on YouTube! Visit the WG Video Club YouTube Channel. Here is a direct link to this event:
Share with family, friends, and community members who may want to watch, but can't be here in person!
Our Aquaponics class hosted the kindergarten classes on their “Under The Sea Day”. We gave each class a tour of our aquaponics room and got to play with hydrophobic and kinetic sand. We want to thank the kindergarten classes for letting us celebrate their “25 Days to Graduation”. We would also like to give a special thanks to Mason Inmon from Mrs. Perkin's innovation lab class for cutting out fish to make a special place for our visitors to take pictures.
The final day of classes for the 22-23 school year is this Friday, May 26th. School will be dismissing at 10:35 AM. Buses should be departing campus NLT 10:45. Please have a safe and enjoyable summer break.
Congratulations 2023 West Greene spring sports athletes. These student-athletes were recognized as All-Greene County this morning, at a breakfast at the Carmichaels Grange. In addition, Johnny LAmpe is missing, as he attended his sister's military promotion ceremony.
Topic: West Greene May 2023 Monthly School Board Meeting
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2023
Time: 6 PM Pre-Board Meeting / 7 PM Voting Session
Location: West Greene Administration Board Conference Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 3791 6781
Passcode: i5K62z
Over the past few years, West Greene Aquaponics students take care of Trout from January till May. During this time, our students are responsible for creating a habitat for the trout to grow in. After all the hard work these same students release the trout in Ohiopyle State Park, where these fish will continue to grow and contribute to the local ecosystem. Lastly, our students got to explore Ohiopyle State Park looking wildlife interactions and watershed interactions. This is all made possible by West Greene’s participation in the Trout in the Classroom program was made possible through a partnership between the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) and the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (PATU).
The Junior-Senior High Band & Choral Concert will take place Thursday, May 18 at 7 PM. If you can't join in person, you can watch online at the following link!
Reminder to all Seniors in the Class of 2023:
Your Senior Survey/Bio is due to Mr. Rychtarsky by Friday, May 19. Any questions, see him.
Parents and Students,
Students in Language Arts 10, Algebra, and Biology along with any student needing to retest will take the KEYSTONE EXAMS From May 15-26, 2023.
Please review the information provided.
Mr. Sakai
Parents and Students,
Students in Language Arts 10, Algebra, and Biology along with any student needing to retest will take the Keystone Exams from May 15-26, 2023.
Please review the information provided by the district.
Mr. Sakai
Topic: WGSD May 2023 School Board Committee Meeting
Date: 5/11/2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: West Greene Administration Board Conference Room
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 932 2571 1882
Passcode: 5RGK0h
Spring Sports Senior Night will be held in the High School Gymnasium this evening at 5:45 pm.
West Greene will be recognizing our Baseball, Softball, and Track and Field Seniors.
Senior Night - Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 5:45 pm.
Our buses are running 15 minutes behind due to a traffic accident in Rogersville. This accident caused our CTC bus to arrive on campus later than usual. All buses have now departed campus.
Members of the Youth Traffic Safety Council received signs sponsored by State Farm to help spread awareness in our community about the dangers of distracted driving. Members placed these signs in the lawn area in front of our school main entrance in hopes that all who pass by, student and adults alike, take note of the message and make the decision to reduce their distracted driving habits.
Hargus Creek Design students were tasked by Mrs. Cassie Edgreen from Waynesburg Healthcare and Rehabilitation to assist in helping to make their dementia unit look less like a hospital facility and more like a home. The students visited the facility in February to take measurements and brainstorm ideas for the space. Since then, students have been designing and preparing decals to hang on the walls and doors. Today, the students returned to the facility to apply the decals. Thank you to Waynesburg Healthcare and Rehabilitation for providing the students with this opportunity.
Topic: West Greene April 2023 School Board Meeting
Date: 4/27/2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: WG Admin Board Conference Room
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 3791 6781
Passcode: i5K62z
PSSAs begin tomorrow for students in grades 3-6. Testing begins promptly at 8:40 each morning. Testing will be conducted on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week and Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Students arriving after testing has begun will not be permitted to enter the testing session and will have to wait until the session is complete to join their class. Please have your child to school on time on these days and ensure they are well rested. Additional information is included in the attached letter.