Spring Sports Senior Night will be held in the High School Gymnasium this evening at 5:45 pm. West Greene will be recognizing our Baseball, Softball, and Track and Field Seniors. Senior Night - Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 5:45 pm.
over 1 year ago, Scott Sakai
Our buses are running 15 minutes behind due to a traffic accident in Rogersville. This accident caused our CTC bus to arrive on campus later than usual. All buses have now departed campus.
almost 2 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
Members of the Youth Traffic Safety Council received signs sponsored by State Farm to help spread awareness in our community about the dangers of distracted driving. Members placed these signs in the lawn area in front of our school main entrance in hopes that all who pass by, student and adults alike, take note of the message and make the decision to reduce their distracted driving habits.​
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Rychtarsky
Council Members receive signs from State Farm
Signs Placed Alongside Hargus Creek Road
Hargus Creek Design students were tasked by Mrs. Cassie Edgreen from Waynesburg Healthcare and Rehabilitation to assist in helping to make their dementia unit look less like a hospital facility and more like a home. The students visited the facility in February to take measurements and brainstorm ideas for the space. Since then, students have been designing and preparing decals to hang on the walls and doors. Today, the students returned to the facility to apply the decals. Thank you to Waynesburg Healthcare and Rehabilitation for providing the students with this opportunity.
almost 2 years ago, Kayla Hildreth
Kaiden Shields and Nathan Reed applying a photo.
Nathan Reed and Kaiden Shields applying a wall shelf.
Parker Smith applying a door decal.
Sophia Plock managing the project.
Students finalizing the door decal.
Sohpia Plock, Parker Smith, Ethan Price, Kaiden Shields, Nathan Reed, and Colby Gray
Colby Gray applying a wall shelf.
Topic: West Greene April 2023 School Board Meeting Date: 4/27/2023 Time: 6:00 PM Location: WG Admin Board Conference Room Join Zoom Meeting https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/91437916781?pwd=L0pZb3BsNlRDaUtQNVF2c1hrSjFEZz09 Meeting ID: 914 3791 6781 Passcode: i5K62z
almost 2 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
PSSAs begin tomorrow for students in grades 3-6. Testing begins promptly at 8:40 each morning. Testing will be conducted on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week and Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Students arriving after testing has begun will not be permitted to enter the testing session and will have to wait until the session is complete to join their class. Please have your child to school on time on these days and ensure they are well rested. Additional information is included in the attached letter.
almost 2 years ago, Don Painter
PSSA Letter
West Greene SD April 2023 Committee Meeting When: April 13, 2023 Time: 6 PM Where: West Greene Administration Conference Room https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/93225711882?pwd=WkNaU3dqRWZLODdNdkhLbmdZZXhmQT09
almost 2 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
Letter from the past! Tyfani White (now Tyfani Graham) recently received a letter written back in 2008 to her future self as a project in Mr. Rychtarsky's Language Arts class. The project was used to teach letter writing skills. The final product was a letter to be written to yourself, to be opened after graduation from high school. Tyfani moved out of the district before her 2013 graduation, and the letter just surfaced as Mr. Rychtarsky was going through a few boxes, so it was time to reunite the letter with its owner - albeit 10 years after the intended date. Tyfani got a kick out of the content of the letter, which also included a photo of her and some friends sealed in the envelope. Tyfani has been employed as a Pharmaceutical Technician in WVU Ruby Hospital for 10 years. Thank you for sharing, Tyfani!
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Rychtarsky
Tyfani (White) Graham receives a letter she wrote to herself in 2008.
High School Students had the opportunity on April 12 to take the College Board's SAT in-house. Students took advantage of being able to take the exam here on campus without having to travel to another testing location. All testers were then treated to pizza for lunch. Thank you to our school administration for allowing this opportunity and to our School Counselor, Mrs. Berry-Sakai for planning and preparing for the day.
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Rychtarsky
SAT Test Takers finish up Lunch after working hard on their exam all day!
All Biology students put their teamwork and research skills to use during today's class where we had a Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) debate. Students were either for or against GMOs, then they were asked to conduct research and tailor an argument to persuade others. During this time students practiced researching information, teamwork, and communication skills to prove their point. Way to go everyone! All the debates were fantastic.
almost 2 years ago, Stephen Shamay
Biology 10
Biology 10
Biology 9
Biology 9
Biology 10
Biology 10
Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 5th is an early dismissal day to begin Spring Break. Students will begin dismissing at 12:35 PM and buses will be departing campus NLT 12:45. School will resume next Wednesday, April 12th. Enjoy your break and have a wonderful Easter.
almost 2 years ago, Don Painter
Going to the Greene County Music Festival being held at Waynesburg Central this evening? The concert starts at 7 PM. Can't make it in person? Follow this link to tune in and watch live as our WG Video Club is Broadcasting the event. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh0wRur3V4U
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Rychtarsky
Festival Promo Graphic
Last week, students in grades 8 & 11 had the opportunity to attend the Annual Greene County Career Fair to ponder their futures and speak with representatives from many industries and schools. The fair is hosted by the Greene County School Counselors. Thank you, school counselors!
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Rychtarsky
Colin B. testing his hand at Welding.
Talking with representatives.
The Annual Greene County Counselors Career and College Fair.
Tomorrow, March 31st, is a scheduled early dismissal for teacher in-service. Dismissal will begin at 12:30 PM.
almost 2 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
Congratulations to West Greene's GCADA Winter Sports winners. Varsity Rifle, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball and Wrestling.
almost 2 years ago, Scott Sakai
GCADA Winter
Throughout the month of March, grades K-3 have been participating in a March Madness Book Tournament! The bracket-style tournament began several weeks ago with 16 of Dr. Seuss' most-loved books. Each day, 2 books went head-to-head and students voted on their favorite. After a handful of upsets and some bittersweet victories along the way, the winning book was announced: There's a Wocket in My Pocket! Thanks to all our K-3 teachers and students for participating!
almost 2 years ago, Sophie Haines
A photo of the Book Madness bracket.
The girls softball team enjoying the last day on the beach before heading home to begin their season.
almost 2 years ago, Kayla Hildreth
West Greene Softball team
The softball team enjoying a team dinner at Simply Southern Smokehouse after a day of softball games. Check out our sun tan! How's the rain in PA?
almost 2 years ago, Kayla Hildreth
West Greene Softball team dinner
Due to flooding concerns and the forecast for even more rainfall throughout the day, the West Greene School District will dismiss school on Friday, March 24, 2023, at approximately 11:30 AM.
almost 2 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos
Topic: West Greene March 2023 Monthly School Board Meeting Date: March 23, 2023 Time: 6:00 PM Location: WG Administration Conference Room Join Zoom Meeting https://iu1-org.zoom.us/j/91437916781?pwd=L0pZb3BsNlRDaUtQNVF2c1hrSjFEZz09
almost 2 years ago, Eric M. Gaydos